
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

No Other Name Than Jesus

Ahnsahnghong himself wrote in his book, "The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life," page 181, Chapter 12 (in the Korean/English edition I read):

“Salvation is found in no other name than Jesus, not only at His first coming but even in the last days.”

WAIT A MINUTE!! Ahnsahnghong himself says that Jesus is the only name to call on for salvation, even in the last days?!? But the World Mission Society Church of God’s own website says, “Today, salvation is only given through the name of Christ Ahnsahnghong, and only those who are the witnesses of Christ Ahnsahnghong and pray in His name will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.” And their church members carefully pray to and call on the name of Ahnsahnghong, not Jesus. They are contradicting their own founder—their own 'god'.

Ahnsahnghong was actually right on with this statement.  Jesus is the only name!
Acts 4:12
Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.


  1. Hallo
    Can not find this reference on page 181. Is it a correct page reference ??

  2. Hi. Yes, but maybe you have a different edition? The one I read had Korean on the even numbered pages and the translated English on the odd numbered pages. It might be on a different page in a different edition.
    I believe it was in chapter 12.

  3. Can u get these books from the library or u have to buy them?

  4. That's a good question, Donisha. I have looked all over trying to get ahold of these books. I have not found any yet at my libraries or any booksellers or even second-hand stores. (Maybe it would be easier in Korea?) The books I've read I've had to borrow from friends.

    It seems the only way to buy one of these books is to become a member first--they aren't available to the general public. Now why do you think that would be? If these books contain truth that all the world should know, why are they not available for all the world to read? It's enough to make you wonder if they are afraid to have these books examined.

  5. Unfortunatly, these books are only available to members of the WMSCOG... However in what is considered the "Old Testament" there are 72 names of G-d in hebrew. To include the tetragrammaton or "YWHW" as pronounced with vowels as Yehovah (Jehovah). Others include Elohim, The Creator, The Lord Most High, The G-d Most High (as stated by Melchizedek),Ehyeh asher ehyeh (the name asked by Moses to G-d, which translated means Iam That Iam). While all of Christianity prays in the name of Jesus Christ, I found that when you praise the name of Ahnsahnhong, that they are delibrately violating your law and doctrine.

    1. Hi again, Hal
      I did an in-depth study of the names of God that was most interesting. Christians do pray in the name of Jesus, but we also reference other names of God in prayer. All God's names are very meaningful. (What is the meaning to Ahn Sahng Hong's name? A reader gave us an answer to that in the comments here:
      Since Ahnsahnghong is not God, it would be blasphemy to pray in his name--a definite violation. WMSCOG members believe he is God, so they don't see the problem.

  6. Ive got pictures of every single page from this cults "evidence book" and also the "elohim academy"

    1. It's interesting how these books of theirs are not available to the general public. My guess is that they are worried about people seeing through their 'logic' without proper coaching from wmscog leaders while they read.

    2. My son has fallen for this cult, even though he was a dedicated Christian before hand, and its amazing how convincing this cult can be. I just clarified that there is only one Jesus and his reply:

      "In the days of the father salvation was in the name of Jehovah God, when people learned Jesus's name that's who they were supposed to acknowledge as God. And now in this age he said thru the scripture I showed you, he will have a new name in his fulfilling prophecy.
      Not a contradiction. The Trinity is one God. Even when God came in the flesh, still one God, but we are not to deny Jesus, or Ahnsahnghong as such."

      How would you reply to this?

  7. Hi Anonymous
    Genny already advised about correct name to use for God and it is in Act 4:12.
    Also knowing that Jesus is God for us once he made his resurrection right there everybody realiced that in fact he is God and it is when all his follower noticed that He is in deep God with us.
    Remember all his diciples were with him, but they were not believing that he could be able to go to a superior level of life that we can understand now and my point is that the name that we will know him is that in fact He is God.
    Thank and God Bless you

  8. Eph 1:17-21

    17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.

    1. Yes, exactly. The name of Jesus has not "expired."
